
4 simple steps for personalized ecommerce to increase sales

1. Encourage customers to create accounts


In order to build a customer profile you need to gather data from your existing subscribers and buyers. One good source of data is the information that’s input when a customer signs up to buy or subscribe to your newsletter. When you have amassed enough data you can dig through it to identify common traits that many of your customers have. 
Once you can identify customers by their profiles, you’ll be able to offer them products or information that may be of interest to them. 

2. Capture visitors when they’re about to leave

When visitors are about to leave your site, show them a personalized offer based on their browsing activity – either to complete a purchase, sign up for your newsletter, etc. 

3. Offer incentives to win back customers

Personalization can not only help you win and retain customers, but it can help you win back old ones. If certain customers haven’t purchased from you in a while, use retargeting ads. Include offers based on previous purchasing history along with incentives such as special one-off discount codes to give them a reason to shop with you again.

4. Use live chat software or chatbots

Most companies still use the same pop-up chat messages for all visitors on their site. But it makes far more sense to personalize the introduction message based on a visitor’s URL, their behavior, or any other data you can collect. 
Once you understand behaviors you can deliver price discounts or other incentives to persuade a visitor to proceed to purchase.